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We are the master creators of our own lives, but sometimes we need a little help to clear the path from where we are now, to where we want to go.

Positive Psychology Coaching

Positive Psychology is the study of what makes life worth living, what makes people have a sense of purpose. In Positive Psychology Coaching, I help you discover your strengths and how to use them to thrive.


While your coaching sessions will be completely unique, I use a Solution-Focused approach to help you move forward and progress in specific areas of your life. ​


We will also work on:


  • Mindfulness 

  • Well-being

  • Resilience-building

  • Stress-reduction

  • Optimism 


Stephanie Galavodas (MAPPCP)

Certified NLP Coach

Positive Psychology Practitioner


Hello - I’m Stephanie, a Positive Psychology Practitioner and certified NLP Coach based out of Barcelona, Spain. I help professionals improve their mental wellbeing while stretching their goals to create a life of true abundance. You can have it all!


After working nearly a decade in the field of technology and project management, I started to experience major burnout. I believed that my worth was tied to my job performance, and ended up working crazy hours in a high stress environment. I didn’t know the meaning of ‘work-life balance’, and started sleeping less than 5 hours a night. As you can imagine - this was not healthy! It all came to a head when I had a massive panic attack while on holiday. It was terrifying, and forced me to reevaluate my lifestyle. I came to the realization that I never wanted to get to that state again. And more importantly, I didn’t want others to experience what I did. 


I decided to change my career, and focus on helping others who are high-achievers and who want a successful career, but don’t yet have the tools necessary to look after their mental health and personal wellbeing.


Since then, I completed a Master of Science in Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology, and became certified as a Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) coach and HypnoTherapist. 

My coaching combines evidence-based positive psychology techniques and practical NLP tools to help clients through a variety of challenges. Using a solution-focused approach, I help clients gain clarity around their goals, and then break them down into achievable options and actions. My clients achieve a positive shift in mindset, and experience lower levels stress, so that they can thrive in and out of the workplace. I offer you a safe, judgement-free space to explore. Your happiness is the most important thing in your life.

Neurolinguistic Programming​

Neurolinguistic Programming is the study of the unconscious mind; how the brain processes information. We use language to give meaning to things, good or bad. 


As your transformation agent, I will utilize NLP techniques to help you release negative thought patterns, complete old memories and rewrite your stories so that you can move forward from what has been holding you back. 


If you are curious to see whether NLP is the right choice for you, schedule a free call with me - just enter your information in the yellow box below!

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